At New Bern COG, we make ministering to children our priority. We firmly believe the promise given to us in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Having this confidence, we partner with the parents in ministering to their children. Each service is uniquely designed using music videos, illustrations, games and Bible lessons to introduce children to Jesus and to help them understand and apply the Bible to their lives. We also have monthly events for their fun and building of lifelong relationships with others.

The Remnant Student Ministry exists to help teens to connect with God and others. The Remnant is more than a group of teenagers getting together for a Wednesday night service. It is a time when students discover their purpose and God’s amazing love and power that brings them hope and victory. What to expect on Wednesday nights? Expect the unexpected. Expect God to do something exciting in your life. Expect to experience God on a whole new level and build relationships with students just like you. Expect to find people that care about you and a service that is relevant. God never intended for life to be boring, so why should church? Wednesday Worship Experience – 7:00 pm

Women’s Discipleship at New Bern Church of God believes in the EMPOWERMENT and EQUIPPING of women. Our goal is to develop an army of strong Spirit-filled women who walks with confidence in who they are in CHRIST. We are a multi-cultural, multi-generational group of women that are unified in our endeavors to seek the lost for the Kingdom of God. We encourage each other to know Christ to know who they are in Christ to realize that they are valued in God’s Kingdom.

Forever Young is an exciting group for everyone 50 and up. Forever Young builds unity and relationships by spending time together through activities and fellowship. They have monthly “pot luck” meetings with lots of food and fun!!

Life Builders is a group dedicated to the spiritual, emotional and personal growth of men of all ages. Life Builders believes that by connecting men through fellowship will connect them to the Kingdom. They have monthly breakfast meetings that also include times of prayer and devotions and also various outings scheduled throughout the year.

Para mayor información dar clic en el enlace.

“Sing to the Lord a New Song;
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise His name;
Proclaim His salvation day after day.” Psalm 96: 1-2
Did you know “sing” is mentioned 121 times in the Bible, “worship” is mentioned 8,629 times and “praise” is mentioned 248 times! So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in joining our choir, praise team or worship band, contact us at worship@newberncog.net.